2014 summer Youth leadership on Technology classes
2014 暑期青少年科技夏令營課程一覽
java & Android programming primer (Pre-ap computer science) 大學電腦預科先修及行動軟體開發入門班 (適合今秋升10年級以上學生)
Learn Java programming basics, engage in mobile apps development, show off your technological skills from here!
(Click here to read more....)
Learn Java programming basics, engage in mobile apps development, show off your technological skills from here!
(Click here to read more....)
game programming for apple ios & android using unity 3d 跨平台互動式遊戲開發基礎班 (適合今秋升9年級以上學生)
Learn to design and develop your very own cross-platform/mobile games in 24 hours using Unity 3D, a leading game design engine accessible to beginners, but powerful enough for professionals......
(Click here to read more.....)
Learn to design and develop your very own cross-platform/mobile games in 24 hours using Unity 3D, a leading game design engine accessible to beginners, but powerful enough for professionals......
(Click here to read more.....)
software engineering fundamental: C++ PROGRAMMING 軟體開發實力養成班 (適合今秋升9年級以上學生)
Engage in the mother language of computer science, unlock the power of code, build your tech-savvy confidence from here!
(Click here to read more.....)
Engage in the mother language of computer science, unlock the power of code, build your tech-savvy confidence from here!
(Click here to read more.....)
Game & windows programming
電腦遊戲及軟體設計興趣養成班 (適合今秋升7年級以上學生,無需任何程式設計背景)
Love playing computer games? Wonder how the games are made? Want to apply your mathematical and logic reasoning skills in a playful and practical way? If you are interested in making a game of your own, here is where you should get started!
(Click here to read more....)
Love playing computer games? Wonder how the games are made? Want to apply your mathematical and logic reasoning skills in a playful and practical way? If you are interested in making a game of your own, here is where you should get started!
(Click here to read more....)
Visual Programming & creative computing using MIT Scratch 創意程式設計班 (適合今秋升5年級以上學生,只要會抓滑鼠就可以來參加)
本課程傳授由麻省理工學院(MIT)研發的遊戲及動畫設計軟體Scratch,來提高學員邏輯思考、系統推理、創意思維、協同合作的能力。MIT Scratch自2003年推出迄今,在全球已有累積超過百萬名青少年透過它來踏入電腦創作世界。本課程也是學習進階級程式語言如Java, C++….等的暖身課程。(Click here to read more....)