About Mobile End Zone Academy (MEZA)
MEZA creates the first comprehensive, year-round technology curriculum for the youth in Southern California. Our curriculum is designed to educate and enrich youth ages 13 to 18, to supplement their academy learning in computer technology; at the same time, to provide a smooth and fun path entering the digital economic of the future.
MEZA believes that all youth should have the opportunity to "become smarter" than "lose self-control in video games." Technology brings many changes to the modern life of our children. Smart phones, social networks, and games are part of many youth's daily life. Like any forms of activities in modern society, the impact of these new activities depends on the individual traits of the kids, and how parent and school face the challenge of balancing learning and entertaining. There is no better gift than giving them the power to understand the building blocks of these technologies, and learn to be smarter in using them to better improve their works and open up the potential opportunities of their future. Many of the high impact companies in USA are started by young entrepreneurs at or before they reach age 20. The future belongs to our children who have the tools to face the challenge. Let us unleash them!
Thomas Yeh is the founder and Chief Educator of MEZA. He is also the co-founder of several start-ups, and held Engineering Executive positions in a few medical technology and media broadcasting companies. Thomas spent more than 30 years in running software engineering organization and is dedicated to share his vision and skills in technology and business with our future leaders.
MEZA creates the first comprehensive, year-round technology curriculum for the youth in Southern California. Our curriculum is designed to educate and enrich youth ages 13 to 18, to supplement their academy learning in computer technology; at the same time, to provide a smooth and fun path entering the digital economic of the future.
MEZA believes that all youth should have the opportunity to "become smarter" than "lose self-control in video games." Technology brings many changes to the modern life of our children. Smart phones, social networks, and games are part of many youth's daily life. Like any forms of activities in modern society, the impact of these new activities depends on the individual traits of the kids, and how parent and school face the challenge of balancing learning and entertaining. There is no better gift than giving them the power to understand the building blocks of these technologies, and learn to be smarter in using them to better improve their works and open up the potential opportunities of their future. Many of the high impact companies in USA are started by young entrepreneurs at or before they reach age 20. The future belongs to our children who have the tools to face the challenge. Let us unleash them!
Thomas Yeh is the founder and Chief Educator of MEZA. He is also the co-founder of several start-ups, and held Engineering Executive positions in a few medical technology and media broadcasting companies. Thomas spent more than 30 years in running software engineering organization and is dedicated to share his vision and skills in technology and business with our future leaders.