我們的教師群(Our Instructors)
Thomas Yeh
本校創辦人及導師、現役人工智慧、大數據與行動科技達人,近年負責為美國知名 500 大公司及數家跨國企業及學術機構開發影像處理、語音辨識….等相關AI產品,用戶包括醫療團體、情報組織及政府機構。Mr. Yeh有多項專利發明,也是青少年的最佳導師,在本校精心規劃一系列「前進高科技」課程並親自授課,幫助青少年將喜愛「玩電腦、打電動」的興趣提升為尖端科技力與升學競爭力。自2012年開課以來透過第一手的經驗傳授,已發掘出多名深具潛力的青少年科技菁英,其中多人已入學或畢業於Stanford, MIT, CMU, John Hopkins, Harvey Mudd, UCLA, UC-Berkeley, UC-Irvine, Vanderbilt…等。
Thomas has nearly 30 years of experience in technology innovation and software engineering in start-up and growth-oriented companies. He has supervised large team of software engineers, managed changing requirements in a fluid, fast pace, customer-driven environment to produce successful software system through team efforts. Thomas is an expert in Artificial Intelligence, iOS, Android, Unity 3D and cross-platform mobile development, and has been promoting technology education to youth to share his passion in high tech and empower new generation of technology enthusiasts. Thomas loves to work with youth, loves to encourage youth to work hard, and demonstrates what they can accomplish if they set a goal in science and engineering. Challenging the impossible has been Thomas' career and is part of the culture of Mobile End Zone Academy.
Thomas has nearly 30 years of experience in technology innovation and software engineering in start-up and growth-oriented companies. He has supervised large team of software engineers, managed changing requirements in a fluid, fast pace, customer-driven environment to produce successful software system through team efforts. Thomas is an expert in Artificial Intelligence, iOS, Android, Unity 3D and cross-platform mobile development, and has been promoting technology education to youth to share his passion in high tech and empower new generation of technology enthusiasts. Thomas loves to work with youth, loves to encourage youth to work hard, and demonstrates what they can accomplish if they set a goal in science and engineering. Challenging the impossible has been Thomas' career and is part of the culture of Mobile End Zone Academy.
E. Blomeyer ~ Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow 2013~2014 (從事科學教育之教師最高殊榮)
本校特約教師,也是 A. Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow 得獎人。現役LAUSD學區專任電腦及數學教師,亦曾服務社區大學及南加多所高中,擔任電腦及數學教職,累積教學經驗達二十年以上。有二十餘年高科技產業經驗,曾服務於 Motorola、Honeywell, Jet Propulsion Lab, Hughes等公司,擔任軟體工程師或顧問。見聞廣博、經驗豐富,教學嚴謹,是一位不可多得的好老師。
E. Blomeyer is the receiver of Fellow of 2013-2014 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Award. She has been teaching various Computer Science subjects and Math for over 20 years. Previously, Ms. Blomeyer held senior software engineering position in many scientific organizations including Motorola, Honeywell, Jet Propulsion Lab, and Hughes. With profound background in Web Programming, C++ and Java, Ms. Blomeyer has nourished and benefit young and curious minds with her inviting and gentle teaching style. Learning from her has been extremely positive and enlightening learning experience any students can receive in technology education.
E. Blomeyer is the receiver of Fellow of 2013-2014 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Award. She has been teaching various Computer Science subjects and Math for over 20 years. Previously, Ms. Blomeyer held senior software engineering position in many scientific organizations including Motorola, Honeywell, Jet Propulsion Lab, and Hughes. With profound background in Web Programming, C++ and Java, Ms. Blomeyer has nourished and benefit young and curious minds with her inviting and gentle teaching style. Learning from her has been extremely positive and enlightening learning experience any students can receive in technology education.