2014~15 School Year
Youth leadership on Technology classes
2014~15 學年青少年科技菁英培育課程一覽
AP-Computer Science SEries: Java language & test prep
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(Click here to read more in English....)
game programming Series: MIT Scratch, Visual Basic, unity 3d
Learn to design and develop your very own computer/mobile games in 25 hours!
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Learn to design and develop your very own computer/mobile games in 25 hours!
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software engineering Series: C++ language primer & competition prep 軟體開發實力養成 ~ C++ 入門班
Engage in the mother language of computer science, unlock the power of code, build your tech-savvy confidence from here!
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Engage in the mother language of computer science, unlock the power of code, build your tech-savvy confidence from here!
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SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERIES: JAVA Language & Coding Competition Prep & Pre-AP Computer Science 軟體開發實力養成 ~ Java 入門班
20 週內學會用途最廣的程式設計語言Java、培養進入一流大學之升學力....
Learn the fundamental Java programming language, embark with real world Java projects and get a head start in AP-Computer Science preparation within 20 weeks!
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20 週內學會用途最廣的程式設計語言Java、培養進入一流大學之升學力....
Learn the fundamental Java programming language, embark with real world Java projects and get a head start in AP-Computer Science preparation within 20 weeks!
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Mobile series: Android, ios, game programming
AOL(美國線上)花了9年達到100萬人潮、Facebook(臉書)花了9個月、Draw Something(行動軟體)花了9天.......在行動號角吹響之際,你已經準備好如何搶到自己的一席之地了嗎?
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(Click here to read more in English....)