CS 301 : Python Game Programming
專為 7 年級以上(含)初高中生所規劃,學生將使用Pygame 設計2D電腦遊戲。Pygame 是跨平台 Python 模塊(Module),專為電子遊戲設計,包括圖像、聲音。對於遊戲設計初學者來說,Pygame 是一款既能讓人熟悉遊戲設計邏輯、又能迅速獲得成就感的好工具。它的跨平台特性讓遊戲執行零障礙。Pygame 的商業用途雖然不高,但因為操作簡易,時常讓初學者感受到「寫遊戲比打遊戲有意義」的快感。

Learn to develop own 2D graphical games to be included in your personal statement
This is an intermediate level Python programming class designed for coders familiar with Python syntax & programming concepts such as variables, loops, etc. (which can be acquired by prior experience in our CS 201 / AI 101 class.) In this class, students will learn advanced Python coding concepts and technique then use it to make 2D graphical games with the Pygame framework (also called the Pygame library.) Pygame is a cross-platform set of Python modules designed for writing video games. It includes computer graphics and sound libraries designed to be used with the Python programming language.
Upon completion of this class, students will take home at least 3 own mini computer games to be included in their personal statement.
Prerequisites: Fundamental Python coding skills and typing speed of 40+ words per minute. Students are required to bring own laptop computers to the class.
教學目標:軟體設計實力鞏固 / Skills enhancement
學習難度:2 ~ 3 (5 最難,1 最易) / For intermediate learners with experience in Python fundamentals (CS 201)
適合年級:七年級以上(含) / For ascending 7th+ graders
總共課時:24 hrs. class length
附註說明:學生需自備手提電腦來上課 / Must bring own laptop computer to the class
This is an intermediate level Python programming class designed for coders familiar with Python syntax & programming concepts such as variables, loops, etc. (which can be acquired by prior experience in our CS 201 / AI 101 class.) In this class, students will learn advanced Python coding concepts and technique then use it to make 2D graphical games with the Pygame framework (also called the Pygame library.) Pygame is a cross-platform set of Python modules designed for writing video games. It includes computer graphics and sound libraries designed to be used with the Python programming language.
Upon completion of this class, students will take home at least 3 own mini computer games to be included in their personal statement.
Prerequisites: Fundamental Python coding skills and typing speed of 40+ words per minute. Students are required to bring own laptop computers to the class.
教學目標:軟體設計實力鞏固 / Skills enhancement
學習難度:2 ~ 3 (5 最難,1 最易) / For intermediate learners with experience in Python fundamentals (CS 201)
適合年級:七年級以上(含) / For ascending 7th+ graders
總共課時:24 hrs. class length
附註說明:學生需自備手提電腦來上課 / Must bring own laptop computer to the class