CS 201 / AI 101: Python Fundamentals
前進高科技:軟體設計實力養成 ● 人工智慧基礎養成
This is an introductory class designed for 7th+ graders to learn the fundamental coding concepts, computational theories, computer architecture, and software development using Python programming language, and get ready to dive into the profession of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)!
Knowing how to code is beneficial to everyone. Once learned how to code and been shown how the skills have been applied in the real world, our students will easily figure out what they can do with these newly-developed technological abilities ~ from building a school project, contributing to the community using informatics and automation, budding a business case(entrepreneurship), to learning how to be a leader in the technology world. This class will show students how coding is a very creative activity, and how rewarding it is by knowing how to code! We will take an easy-to-digest approach for our middle- to high- school learners to master Python, a very popular and powerful programming language used in A.I. world nowadays.
All in all, students will become familiar with the following basics:
1. Python variables, and expression
2. Statement and program execution
3. Function
4. Iteration
5. String
6. File and I/O
7. Data structure, List, Tuple
8. Network Programming
Upon completion of this class, students will be ready to move on to advanced Python game programming using Pygame (CS 301), or into the world of A.I. (AI 201).
Prerequisites: Knowledge of block-based coding (such as experience in MIT Scratch or from our CS 101 class) is highly recommended, but not required. A placement test might be arranged to evaluate the background knowledge of student's computational thinking skills. Students are required to bring own laptop computers to the class.
前進高科技系列 / 人工智慧與大數據系列:Python 實力養成班
教學目標:軟體設計實力養成、人工智慧基礎養成 / Foundation building
學習難度:2 ~ 3 (5 最難,1 最易) / For beginner-to-intermediate
適合年級:七年級以上(含) / For ascending 7th+ graders
總共課時:24 hrs. class length
Knowing how to code is beneficial to everyone. Once learned how to code and been shown how the skills have been applied in the real world, our students will easily figure out what they can do with these newly-developed technological abilities ~ from building a school project, contributing to the community using informatics and automation, budding a business case(entrepreneurship), to learning how to be a leader in the technology world. This class will show students how coding is a very creative activity, and how rewarding it is by knowing how to code! We will take an easy-to-digest approach for our middle- to high- school learners to master Python, a very popular and powerful programming language used in A.I. world nowadays.
All in all, students will become familiar with the following basics:
1. Python variables, and expression
2. Statement and program execution
3. Function
4. Iteration
5. String
6. File and I/O
7. Data structure, List, Tuple
8. Network Programming
Upon completion of this class, students will be ready to move on to advanced Python game programming using Pygame (CS 301), or into the world of A.I. (AI 201).
Prerequisites: Knowledge of block-based coding (such as experience in MIT Scratch or from our CS 101 class) is highly recommended, but not required. A placement test might be arranged to evaluate the background knowledge of student's computational thinking skills. Students are required to bring own laptop computers to the class.
前進高科技系列 / 人工智慧與大數據系列:Python 實力養成班
教學目標:軟體設計實力養成、人工智慧基礎養成 / Foundation building
學習難度:2 ~ 3 (5 最難,1 最易) / For beginner-to-intermediate
適合年級:七年級以上(含) / For ascending 7th+ graders
總共課時:24 hrs. class length
Why learn Python? |
Python 是美國頂尖大學裡最常用的入門程式語言~全美最佳大學前十名中的八所(80%)、最佳大學前三十九名中的二十七所(69%)都選擇Python語言做為其CS0或CS1之授課內容,其中包括名校MIT和UC-Berkeley。目前最流行的人工智慧(A.I., Artificial Intelligence)產品,很多都是使用Python語言來控制。因此Python可說是實用性非常高的電腦程式設計語言