(for 4th + Grade)
Walnut Campus: 1/10/14~5/16/14 (Friday) 4:00~6:00 PM for 15 weeks
The goal of this 15-week class is to help students learn multiple subjects using Hi-Tech and gain literacy in computer technology by doing interest projects in Microsoft environment, and create personal website by using commercially available web page design tool.
This class allows students to explore their enthusiasm and passion for a topic of this choice. Students research their interest and become more technologically savvy while reporting their finding to the class. They create interest presentations in three categories: slide show (using MS Power Point), documentary movie (using Windows Live Movie Maker), and personal web pages (using Weebly). In presenting their personal interests to the class, students become the resident experts on the chosen topic and teach the class. Students will receive direct instruction either as a whole class or in a small group on research skills and technology program application. Completion of all activities in this class will assist students in acquiring the following skills and abilities: 1.) Comprehension of basic computer operation and file storage system; 2.) Comprehension and application of basic Internet functions and research techniques; 3.) Understanding the importance of citing references; 4.) Keeping work on computer organized to save time and minimize frustration; 5.) Comprehension and application of presentation technology programs for synthesizing information; 6.) Presentation of information and communication with peers as essential leadership skills.
本課程專為高年級小學生所設計,旨在訓練學員的研究(Research)、組織(Organization)、提綱(Outline)、寫作(Writing)、簡報(Presentation)能力。學員將依照利用網路資源進行專題研究、資料蒐集、撰寫報告、製作影音輔助素材,並以Slide Show, Movie, Web Pages三種形式發表自己的研究成果。學員將學會並熟悉使用微軟公司簡報軟體Power Point, 電影製作軟體Windows Live Movie Maker, 以及網頁設計軟體Weebly。經由本訓練,電腦的功能將從休閒娛樂變成學員的學業輔助工具。
上課地點:核桃校區(18800 Amar Road, Suite A-7, Walnut, CA 91789)
上課時間:1/10/14~ 5/16/14 (週五) 下午 4:00~6:00 (共15週)
招生對象:4 年級以上
The goal of this 15-week class is to help students learn multiple subjects using Hi-Tech and gain literacy in computer technology by doing interest projects in Microsoft environment, and create personal website by using commercially available web page design tool.
This class allows students to explore their enthusiasm and passion for a topic of this choice. Students research their interest and become more technologically savvy while reporting their finding to the class. They create interest presentations in three categories: slide show (using MS Power Point), documentary movie (using Windows Live Movie Maker), and personal web pages (using Weebly). In presenting their personal interests to the class, students become the resident experts on the chosen topic and teach the class. Students will receive direct instruction either as a whole class or in a small group on research skills and technology program application. Completion of all activities in this class will assist students in acquiring the following skills and abilities: 1.) Comprehension of basic computer operation and file storage system; 2.) Comprehension and application of basic Internet functions and research techniques; 3.) Understanding the importance of citing references; 4.) Keeping work on computer organized to save time and minimize frustration; 5.) Comprehension and application of presentation technology programs for synthesizing information; 6.) Presentation of information and communication with peers as essential leadership skills.
本課程專為高年級小學生所設計,旨在訓練學員的研究(Research)、組織(Organization)、提綱(Outline)、寫作(Writing)、簡報(Presentation)能力。學員將依照利用網路資源進行專題研究、資料蒐集、撰寫報告、製作影音輔助素材,並以Slide Show, Movie, Web Pages三種形式發表自己的研究成果。學員將學會並熟悉使用微軟公司簡報軟體Power Point, 電影製作軟體Windows Live Movie Maker, 以及網頁設計軟體Weebly。經由本訓練,電腦的功能將從休閒娛樂變成學員的學業輔助工具。
上課地點:核桃校區(18800 Amar Road, Suite A-7, Walnut, CA 91789)
上課時間:1/10/14~ 5/16/14 (週五) 下午 4:00~6:00 (共15週)
招生對象:4 年級以上