S.T.E.M. Prodigy
本課程專為即將升入9~10年級學生設計,將物理、化學、生物、數學…等學科完美結合,擺脫枯燥閱讀傳統教科書及蜻蜓點水式做實驗的學習方式,透過專案(Project-based Leaning)培養學員對科學的熱愛,並培養科學競賽如California State Science Fair參賽實力。本課程由天才教授Dr. Park親自指導,表現優異者將獲推薦,參與大學實驗室10週科研計畫;並由Dr. Park親自輔導,規劃最有利的高中選課及課外活動,以爭取進入一流大學的「醫數理工」科學研究領域。
S.T.E.M. Prodigy
開課日期:暑期班 6/15/13~8/3/13
秋季班 8/24/13~5/31/14,全年共48週
This class, designed for entry by qualified 9th-10th grade students, has two main objectives. The first is to build a solid groundwork in a range of math and science areas at a college level, from a research-perspective. For example, instead of lecturing on the equations that govern the motion of a free body due to gravity, the lectures would be more geared to getting the students to think about what experiments could they think of to measure the effect of gravity? Then going back to come up with a theoretical understanding to help them understand what they see. It would be about 1/3 discussion, 1/3 projects, and 1/3 lecture.
Upon demonstrated expertise in these subjects, students will be allowed to apply for a 10-week position in an academic research lab. The level of scope of research involvement will vary depending on the student’s time and competency as well as the nature of the particular research topic. It is expected that students will then be competitive for regional competitions, such as those administered by the Science Olympiad or the California State Science Fair.
Students will be selected into the course based on their performance on a placement examination. Given the highly multi-disciplinary nature of cutting edge scientific research, qualified students will receive instruction in a variety of subjects without regard to traditional subject categories (i.e., whether a subject is typically taught in a biology class as opposed to a chemistry class). By the end of a full year of instruction, it will be expected that students will be able to solve problems in all three subjects (as well as have competency in the requisite level of math) at a level comparable to that of an introductory level college course. Particular attention will be given to not only understanding these basic concepts, but also to how to properly solve a scientific design or research challenge. Students who display satisfactory familiarity with the subject matter will receive assistance applying for a position in a research lab, as well as continued instruction in math and science and guidance with their particular research topic.
Class date and time: Summer session: 6/15/13~8/3/13(Saturday) 9:30 AM ~ 12:00 PM,
Fall Session: 8/24/13~5/31/14 (Saturday)
S.T.E.M. Prodigy
開課日期:暑期班 6/15/13~8/3/13
秋季班 8/24/13~5/31/14,全年共48週
This class, designed for entry by qualified 9th-10th grade students, has two main objectives. The first is to build a solid groundwork in a range of math and science areas at a college level, from a research-perspective. For example, instead of lecturing on the equations that govern the motion of a free body due to gravity, the lectures would be more geared to getting the students to think about what experiments could they think of to measure the effect of gravity? Then going back to come up with a theoretical understanding to help them understand what they see. It would be about 1/3 discussion, 1/3 projects, and 1/3 lecture.
Upon demonstrated expertise in these subjects, students will be allowed to apply for a 10-week position in an academic research lab. The level of scope of research involvement will vary depending on the student’s time and competency as well as the nature of the particular research topic. It is expected that students will then be competitive for regional competitions, such as those administered by the Science Olympiad or the California State Science Fair.
Students will be selected into the course based on their performance on a placement examination. Given the highly multi-disciplinary nature of cutting edge scientific research, qualified students will receive instruction in a variety of subjects without regard to traditional subject categories (i.e., whether a subject is typically taught in a biology class as opposed to a chemistry class). By the end of a full year of instruction, it will be expected that students will be able to solve problems in all three subjects (as well as have competency in the requisite level of math) at a level comparable to that of an introductory level college course. Particular attention will be given to not only understanding these basic concepts, but also to how to properly solve a scientific design or research challenge. Students who display satisfactory familiarity with the subject matter will receive assistance applying for a position in a research lab, as well as continued instruction in math and science and guidance with their particular research topic.
Class date and time: Summer session: 6/15/13~8/3/13(Saturday) 9:30 AM ~ 12:00 PM,
Fall Session: 8/24/13~5/31/14 (Saturday)