GAme Programming with python
(for ascending 6th grader & up)
專為 6 年級以上(含)初高中生所規劃之實力養成班,內容結合趣味、實用、升學與就業價值。Python 是美國頂尖大學裡最常用的入門程式語言~全美最佳大學前十名中的八所(80%)、最佳大學前三十九名中的二十七所(69%)都選擇Python語言做為其CS0或CS1之授課內容,其中包括名校MIT和UC-Berkeley。目前最流行的人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)產品,很多都是使用Python語言來控制。因此Python可說是實用性非常高的電腦程式設計語言。
Learn Python as you go on an adventure in the jungle to discover hidden treasures... This is an introduction to Python programming language for intermediate- to advanced- coders in upper middle or high school, or high-achiever in elementary school. Our campers will be introduced to Python as they complete engaging lessons, solve challenging puzzles, and build their own games in Python. It is ideal for students who have already completed at least one intro to coding course and are comfortable with the basics of programming logic and computational thinking. Having this prior experience will help them transition to Python and adapt to the additional challenges of text-based syntax.
Prerequisite: Prior knowledge in block-coding, and/or background in Pre-Algebra.
Python 互動式遊戲開發基礎班
學習難易度:3~4 (5 最難,1 最易)
適合年級:6 年級以上(含),已具入門編程經驗(Block-coding)或有初等代數(Pre-Algebra)基礎或學校數學成績達A/A+者
Learn Python as you go on an adventure in the jungle to discover hidden treasures... This is an introduction to Python programming language for intermediate- to advanced- coders in upper middle or high school, or high-achiever in elementary school. Our campers will be introduced to Python as they complete engaging lessons, solve challenging puzzles, and build their own games in Python. It is ideal for students who have already completed at least one intro to coding course and are comfortable with the basics of programming logic and computational thinking. Having this prior experience will help them transition to Python and adapt to the additional challenges of text-based syntax.
Prerequisite: Prior knowledge in block-coding, and/or background in Pre-Algebra.
Python 互動式遊戲開發基礎班
學習難易度:3~4 (5 最難,1 最易)
適合年級:6 年級以上(含),已具入門編程經驗(Block-coding)或有初等代數(Pre-Algebra)基礎或學校數學成績達A/A+者