Python Game Programming, cryptography & Cyber Security
(for 7th grade & up)
專為 7 年級以上(含)初高中生所規劃之實力鞏固班,學生將使用Python設計2D電腦遊戲,並入門窺探網路資安世界的密碼學(Cryptography),用Python來加密(encrypt)和解密(decrypt)資安世界中幾個有名的Cipher,學習當Hacker(駭客)而非Cracker(害客)。Python 是美國頂尖大學裡最常用的入門程式語言~全美最佳大學前十名中的八所(80%)、最佳大學前三十九名中的二十七所(69%)都選擇Python語言做為其CS0或CS1之授課內容,其中包括名校MIT和UC-Berkeley。目前最流行的人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)產品,很多都是使用Python語言來控制。在駭客的迷人世界裡,Python同時也扮演了「亦正亦邪」的角色~在需要開發威力強大又有效率的駭客工具時,Python往往是眾多資安分析者的選擇。因此,Python可說是實用性非常高的電腦程式設計語言。
Python 的遊戲設計使命與駭客任務
學習難易度:3 ~ 4 (5 最難,1 最易)
適合年級:7 年級以上(含),需具備入門 Python 程式設計經驗。英文打字速度每分鐘需達40字以上
Learn to develop your own 2D graphical games & hack secret Ciphers with Python...
This is an intermediate level Python programming class designed for intermediate- to advanced- coders at 7th grade and up, or younger coders who are familiar with Python syntax & programming concepts such as variables, loops, etc. (which can be acquired by prior experience in our Adventures in Python Programming class.) In this 10-week program, students will learn advanced Python coding concepts and technique then use it to make 2D graphical games with the Pygame framework (also called the Pygame library.) In addition, they will learn about computer networking and cryptography and see how it relates to modern cyber security. They will use Python to write programs that can hack ciphers (encrypted messages.) This coding, cryptography and puzzle solving class is especially suited for coders who enjoy the idea of collaborating to create codes, send and intercept messages, and learn about how information travels and what keeps it secure. At the end of class, students will take home at least 3 own mini Python games to be included in their personal statement, as well as ciphers, encoded messages and decryption programs to demonstrate their cyber power.
Prerequisites: Fundamental Python coding skills and typing speed of 40+ words per minute
Python 的遊戲設計使命與駭客任務
學習難易度:3 ~ 4 (5 最難,1 最易)
適合年級:7 年級以上(含),需具備入門 Python 程式設計經驗。英文打字速度每分鐘需達40字以上
Learn to develop your own 2D graphical games & hack secret Ciphers with Python...
This is an intermediate level Python programming class designed for intermediate- to advanced- coders at 7th grade and up, or younger coders who are familiar with Python syntax & programming concepts such as variables, loops, etc. (which can be acquired by prior experience in our Adventures in Python Programming class.) In this 10-week program, students will learn advanced Python coding concepts and technique then use it to make 2D graphical games with the Pygame framework (also called the Pygame library.) In addition, they will learn about computer networking and cryptography and see how it relates to modern cyber security. They will use Python to write programs that can hack ciphers (encrypted messages.) This coding, cryptography and puzzle solving class is especially suited for coders who enjoy the idea of collaborating to create codes, send and intercept messages, and learn about how information travels and what keeps it secure. At the end of class, students will take home at least 3 own mini Python games to be included in their personal statement, as well as ciphers, encoded messages and decryption programs to demonstrate their cyber power.
Prerequisites: Fundamental Python coding skills and typing speed of 40+ words per minute