Python Fundamentals
for Game programming & Robots
探索高科技:Python 實力養成班
Designed for ascending 7th ~ 10th graders, this action-packed Python fundamental class will challenge students to use their Python skills learned in class to solve, design and create robotic solutions using Pi-Top[4] robot, as well as making 2D graphical games using Pygame. This class will show students how coding is a very creative activity, and how rewarding it is by knowing how to code! We will take an easy-to-digest approach for our middle- to high- school learners to master Python, a very popular and powerful programming language used in A.I. world nowadays.
Students will learn the fundamental coding concepts, computational theories, computer architecture, and software development using Python programming language in 6 weeks (72 hours).
Prerequisites: Knowledge of block-based coding (such as experience in MIT Scratch) is highly recommended, but not required. A placement test might be arranged to evaluate the background knowledge of student's computational thinking skills. Students are required to bring own laptop computers to the class.
探索高科技系列:Python 實力養成班
教學目標:實力養成 / For foundation building
學習難度:1 ~ 3 (5 最難,1 最易) / For beginner-to-intermediate
適合年級:7 ~10 年級 / For ascending 7th~10th graders
上課日期:6/22/20 ~ 7/30/20 (Mon.~Thurs.)
上課時間:週ㄧ至週四下午 1:00 ~ 4:00
總共課時:72 hrs. class length
Students will learn the fundamental coding concepts, computational theories, computer architecture, and software development using Python programming language in 6 weeks (72 hours).
Prerequisites: Knowledge of block-based coding (such as experience in MIT Scratch) is highly recommended, but not required. A placement test might be arranged to evaluate the background knowledge of student's computational thinking skills. Students are required to bring own laptop computers to the class.
探索高科技系列:Python 實力養成班
教學目標:實力養成 / For foundation building
學習難度:1 ~ 3 (5 最難,1 最易) / For beginner-to-intermediate
適合年級:7 ~10 年級 / For ascending 7th~10th graders
上課日期:6/22/20 ~ 7/30/20 (Mon.~Thurs.)
上課時間:週ㄧ至週四下午 1:00 ~ 4:00
總共課時:72 hrs. class length
Why learn Python? |
Python 是美國頂尖大學裡最常用的入門程式語言~全美最佳大學前十名中的八所(80%)、最佳大學前三十九名中的二十七所(69%)都選擇Python語言做為其CS0或CS1之授課內容,其中包括名校MIT和UC-Berkeley。目前最流行的人工智慧(A.I., Artificial Intelligence)產品,很多都是使用Python語言來控制。因此Python可說是實用性非常高的電腦程式設計語言