Introduction to objective c programming
1. 學習iPhone/iPad行動軟體設計基礎程式語言(Objective C、X-Code)
2. 掌握物件導向(OOP)程式設計精髓
3. 14歲即可開始受訓,3月份開課(週六上課),全期12 週(24小時)
Pre-Mobile Development: Introduction to Objective C Programming
招生對象:9 年級以上高中生(大學生或成人亦可,不需理工背景,但須具備英語聽讀能力)
開課日期:3/2/13~5/25/13 (12 週, 共24小時)
Objective C is the programming language for building OS X and iOS applications on Apple platform. This is a 24-hour class to provide the necessary foundation to advance to iOS development. Students will gain OOP skill using Objective C and learn Apple's X-code development environment. To take the full advantage of this training opportunity, students will need to have passion in software engineering, and willing to consider a career in mobile development in the future.