Pre-ioi/Pre-APCS: Java Programming Primer & Hands-On for YOuth
Pre-iOi/Pre-APCS: Java Programming Primer & Hands-On for Youth
開課日期:2/3/13~5/26/13 (8 週)
上課時間:週日下午 4:00~6:00
Programming is one of the creative processes that can transform ideas into reality. The intention of this program is to highlight what can be created by using programming as a tool. Students will create projects that reflect the diversity of interests in the classroom and that are personal to individual students.
Learning problem solving skills using modern software technology involves two steps:
1. Learn to design logical, step-by-step process to approach the problem
2. Convert the logic into a programming language
Step(2) above requires one to build syntactically correct structure using any subject programming languages. Although some children 6th grade or younger can solve problems logically, many have not developed the ability to abstract logic into syntactically correct language until older. This is when ScratchBrain program can step in to help.
ScratchBrain program uses software technology developed and conceived at MIT Media Lab, with support from the National Science Foundation, Microsoft, Intel, Nokia, and MIT Media Lab research consortia. It can help child(ren) exploit abilities to create their own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share their creations on the web.
It provides an environment that lends itself to “tinkering”. The drag and drop nature of the blocks moves the focus away from messy syntax and allows for making modifications quickly. As students work through the program, they will be encouraged to reflect on their tinkering and the thought processes that go into it. They will engage in discussions of why a particular set of instructions didn’t work the way they thought they would and in discussions of “what if” scenarios. It is through these discussions that we can help students connect mathematics and logic to computation in programs and highlight the various abstractions they are using in creating their projects. It is also through these conversations that programming constructs such as conditionals, iteration and looping can be highlighted.
As young people create and share ScratchBrain projects, they learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work
It will lower the barrier of learning technology without needing to master programming syntax. By learning ScratchBrain, your child(ren) will be ahead of others in developing their math, spacial orientation, audio-video synchronization and pattern recognition skills. This is a valuable lesson to take which can benefit your child(ren) in the years to come.
Learning problem solving skills using modern software technology involves two steps:
1. Learn to design logical, step-by-step process to approach the problem
2. Convert the logic into a programming language
Step(2) above requires one to build syntactically correct structure using any subject programming languages. Although some children 6th grade or younger can solve problems logically, many have not developed the ability to abstract logic into syntactically correct language until older. This is when ScratchBrain program can step in to help.
ScratchBrain program uses software technology developed and conceived at MIT Media Lab, with support from the National Science Foundation, Microsoft, Intel, Nokia, and MIT Media Lab research consortia. It can help child(ren) exploit abilities to create their own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share their creations on the web.
It provides an environment that lends itself to “tinkering”. The drag and drop nature of the blocks moves the focus away from messy syntax and allows for making modifications quickly. As students work through the program, they will be encouraged to reflect on their tinkering and the thought processes that go into it. They will engage in discussions of why a particular set of instructions didn’t work the way they thought they would and in discussions of “what if” scenarios. It is through these discussions that we can help students connect mathematics and logic to computation in programs and highlight the various abstractions they are using in creating their projects. It is also through these conversations that programming constructs such as conditionals, iteration and looping can be highlighted.
As young people create and share ScratchBrain projects, they learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work
It will lower the barrier of learning technology without needing to master programming syntax. By learning ScratchBrain, your child(ren) will be ahead of others in developing their math, spacial orientation, audio-video synchronization and pattern recognition skills. This is a valuable lesson to take which can benefit your child(ren) in the years to come.