恭喜本校傑出校友Howard M. (左圖中, DBHS)、Zach Z. (中圖中, South Hill HS)、Wen Tao H. (右圖左, Walnut HS)奪標College Board 2018年AP-Computer Science A 考試,獲頒本校$500滿分獎學金。這三位年輕人都不是在美國出生的ABC, 沒有先天的英語優勢,卻懂得把握時間努力學習,為自己創造競爭優勢:彈得一手好鋼琴的Howard 數理能力也頂呱呱,積極投入校外的編程與數學競賽,表現可圈可點; 時時語出珠璣的Zach 在學校創辦了Coding Club 並擔任小老師,親自指導會員們編程技巧; Wen Tao 對網路資安展現了濃厚的興趣與決心,立志在該領域成為一把好手。
Way to go, Howard, Zach and Wen Tao, a brighter future is awaiting you!
Way to go, Howard, Zach and Wen Tao, a brighter future is awaiting you!
另外恭喜以下傑出校友高分奪標此次AP-CS A 考試:
- Kerry C.(近滿分, Gabriello HS)
- Anson W. (近滿分, DBHS)
- Andy W. (近滿分,DBHS)
業、7% 公家機關、12% 製造業
- Computing occupations make up 1/2 of all projected new jobs in STEM fields 與電腦相關的工作佔所有STEM領域新工作的一半
- Only 8% of STEM graduates study Computer Science
- There are more than 500,000 open computing jobs in the U.S. 有超過50萬個與電腦相關的新工作正在求才
- Computing jobs are the #1 source of new wages in the U.S. 與電腦相關的工作是所有新收入來源的第一名
- The diversity problem in tech starts in schools:females represent 22% of AP CS A exam-takers, 18% of CS bachelor's degrees, and 23% of people employed in computing occupations 科技領域的性別差異從校園時期就開始:參加AP-Computer Science A的考生,女性只佔22%; 大學電腦科系的畢業生,女性只佔18%; 電腦相關工作人員,女性只佔23%
- 550,000 female software professionals in the U.S.
- 50% of Americans rank computer science as one of the most important subjects to study, among them 65% agree that "most students would benefit more from learning a computer coding language than a foreign language." 有超過一半的美國民眾認為“電腦科學”是最重要的學科之一; 其中65%的民眾甚至覺得“學會電腦程式設計(編程)語言對學生的幫助比學習一門外語更大”
- 67% of parents and 56% of teachers believe students should be required to learn computer science 有將近七成的家長和超過一半的教師認為“電腦科學”應該成為必修科目
- Computer science is the second highest paid college degrees (just after mechatronic engineering graduates), or the highest (Forbes in 2013 reported that the best-paying degree in the USA was a computer science degree from Carnegie Mellon.) 擁有大學電腦學位者,其工作起薪是所有學位的第二高(僅次於電機工程學位) 或最高(根據福布斯雜誌2013年的調查,卡內基美濃大學的電腦系畢業生收入居美國首位)
- 67% of computing jobs are outside the tech sector:9% in Information Services, 12% in Financial Services, 36% in Professional and Business Services, 7% in Government & Public Education Services, 12% in Manufacturing.
業、7% 公家機關、12% 製造業
- 59% of H1B "skilled worker" visas granted for computer science occupations
~ 傑出科技人系列報導 ~
貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)
網購公司 Amazon.com 創辦人及執行長、航太公司 Blue Origin 創辦人、《華盛頓郵報》The Washington Post 東主。根據最新資料,他的資產總值高達美金1308億,是全球大富翁排行第一名。笑聲爽朗、人緣又棒但是不太喜歡運動的Bezos從小就沈迷於科學與外太空(受到電視劇 Star Trek 啟蒙),第一次接觸電腦的原因竟是因為裡面有 Star Trek 電遊!畢業於普林斯頓大學電子(EE)和電腦系(CS)、28歲才第一次交女朋友、30歲創辦了Amazon.com、36歲成為全美最富有的人….Bezos的人生充滿了冒險與驚喜,而他的成功最重要的關鍵是好學(inquisitive)、無畏(fearless)、勇於嘗試(adventurous)和非常執著(Extremely determined)。他不是傳奇人物,他的成功經歷與矽谷或國外其他高科技創業者可以互相媲美,比較獨特的是在他收割Amazon的豐收之後還能夠不忘初衷,勇敢追逐孩提時期的夢想~發展太空科技。他的航太公司將在今年(2018)實現人類太空旅遊計畫,讓大家有機會從宇宙的高度俯瞰美麗的地球。
Jeffrey Preston Bezos (born in 1964) is an American technology entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist, best known as the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Amazon, the world's largest online shopping retailer. He graduated from Princeton University in 1986 with degrees in electrical engineering and computer science. He went on to work on Wall Street in a variety of related fields from 1986 to early 1994. He founded Amazon in late 1994 on a cross-country road trip from New York City to Seattle. The company began as an Internet merchant of books and expanded to a wide variety of products and services, most recently video and audio streaming. It is currently the world's largest Internet sales online company, as well as the world's largest provider of cloud infrastructure services via its Amazon Web Services arm. Bezos diversified his business interests when he founded aerospace company Blue Origin in 2000. Blue Origin started test flights to space in 2015 and plans for commercial suborbital human spaceflight beginning in 2018. He purchased The Washington Post newspaper in 2013 for US$250 million in cash. On July 27, 2017, he briefly became the world's wealthiest person when he accumulated an estimated net worth of just over $90 billion. His wealth surpassed $100 billion for the first time on November 24 after Amazon's share price increased by more than 2.5%. He was formally designated the wealthiest person in the world on March 6, 2018 with a registered net worth of $112 billion by Forbes, becoming the first centi-billionaire. As of March 21, 2018, he has an estimated net worth of $130.8 billion, and is contended to be on track to become the wealthiest person in contemporary history.
網購公司 Amazon.com 創辦人及執行長、航太公司 Blue Origin 創辦人、《華盛頓郵報》The Washington Post 東主。根據最新資料,他的資產總值高達美金1308億,是全球大富翁排行第一名。笑聲爽朗、人緣又棒但是不太喜歡運動的Bezos從小就沈迷於科學與外太空(受到電視劇 Star Trek 啟蒙),第一次接觸電腦的原因竟是因為裡面有 Star Trek 電遊!畢業於普林斯頓大學電子(EE)和電腦系(CS)、28歲才第一次交女朋友、30歲創辦了Amazon.com、36歲成為全美最富有的人….Bezos的人生充滿了冒險與驚喜,而他的成功最重要的關鍵是好學(inquisitive)、無畏(fearless)、勇於嘗試(adventurous)和非常執著(Extremely determined)。他不是傳奇人物,他的成功經歷與矽谷或國外其他高科技創業者可以互相媲美,比較獨特的是在他收割Amazon的豐收之後還能夠不忘初衷,勇敢追逐孩提時期的夢想~發展太空科技。他的航太公司將在今年(2018)實現人類太空旅遊計畫,讓大家有機會從宇宙的高度俯瞰美麗的地球。
Jeffrey Preston Bezos (born in 1964) is an American technology entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist, best known as the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Amazon, the world's largest online shopping retailer. He graduated from Princeton University in 1986 with degrees in electrical engineering and computer science. He went on to work on Wall Street in a variety of related fields from 1986 to early 1994. He founded Amazon in late 1994 on a cross-country road trip from New York City to Seattle. The company began as an Internet merchant of books and expanded to a wide variety of products and services, most recently video and audio streaming. It is currently the world's largest Internet sales online company, as well as the world's largest provider of cloud infrastructure services via its Amazon Web Services arm. Bezos diversified his business interests when he founded aerospace company Blue Origin in 2000. Blue Origin started test flights to space in 2015 and plans for commercial suborbital human spaceflight beginning in 2018. He purchased The Washington Post newspaper in 2013 for US$250 million in cash. On July 27, 2017, he briefly became the world's wealthiest person when he accumulated an estimated net worth of just over $90 billion. His wealth surpassed $100 billion for the first time on November 24 after Amazon's share price increased by more than 2.5%. He was formally designated the wealthiest person in the world on March 6, 2018 with a registered net worth of $112 billion by Forbes, becoming the first centi-billionaire. As of March 21, 2018, he has an estimated net worth of $130.8 billion, and is contended to be on track to become the wealthiest person in contemporary history.
夏威爾(Gwynne Shotwell)
任職 SpaceX 公司總裁(該公司由大名鼎鼎的馬克隆 Elon Musk 創立),主導超過 40 次的太空梭發射任務,包括剛在今年三月份成功發射且將一台 Tesla 跑車送往火星的年度大事。畢業於西北大學、胸懷宇宙卻不上太空的夏威爾,把自己的知識和熱情貢獻給工商業界,其成就屢獲業界佳評,堪稱女性科技人的最佳楷模之一。
Some say it's hard to find enough incredible female leaders in technology, but it may be even harder to find top female rocket scientists. Gwynne Shotwell is the real deal though. As President of SpaceX, she handles the daily operations of this closely-watched Elon Musk company. Her responsibilities include overseeing more than 40 upcoming launches and preparing a next-generation Dragon spacecraft for its first trip to Mars in 2018. She graduated from Northwestern University with degrees in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. Prior to SpaceX, she worked at Aerospace Corporation and was Director of Microcosm's Space Systems Division.
任職 SpaceX 公司總裁(該公司由大名鼎鼎的馬克隆 Elon Musk 創立),主導超過 40 次的太空梭發射任務,包括剛在今年三月份成功發射且將一台 Tesla 跑車送往火星的年度大事。畢業於西北大學、胸懷宇宙卻不上太空的夏威爾,把自己的知識和熱情貢獻給工商業界,其成就屢獲業界佳評,堪稱女性科技人的最佳楷模之一。
Some say it's hard to find enough incredible female leaders in technology, but it may be even harder to find top female rocket scientists. Gwynne Shotwell is the real deal though. As President of SpaceX, she handles the daily operations of this closely-watched Elon Musk company. Her responsibilities include overseeing more than 40 upcoming launches and preparing a next-generation Dragon spacecraft for its first trip to Mars in 2018. She graduated from Northwestern University with degrees in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. Prior to SpaceX, she worked at Aerospace Corporation and was Director of Microcosm's Space Systems Division.
范(Maureen Fan)
知名動畫工作室Baobab Studios共同創辦人及執行長,電遊公司Zynga前任副總裁,曾任職Disney Pixar, eBay等公司。畢業於史丹佛大學電腦系、擁有哈佛MBA,Maureen把自己對高科技與電影的熱愛完美結合,推出不少佳作,包括在2015年獲得奧斯卡最佳動畫短片提名的”The Dam Keeper.”
Maureen is Co-Founder and CEO of Baobab Studios, a virtual reality animation company that creates story and character-driven cinematic experiences. In 2015, she was nominated for an Oscar for film production for "The Dam Keeper," an animated short film. Previously, she worked at Zynga as Vice President of Games. She is now taking two loves - technology and film - and creating an exciting business from these passions.
知名動畫工作室Baobab Studios共同創辦人及執行長,電遊公司Zynga前任副總裁,曾任職Disney Pixar, eBay等公司。畢業於史丹佛大學電腦系、擁有哈佛MBA,Maureen把自己對高科技與電影的熱愛完美結合,推出不少佳作,包括在2015年獲得奧斯卡最佳動畫短片提名的”The Dam Keeper.”
Maureen is Co-Founder and CEO of Baobab Studios, a virtual reality animation company that creates story and character-driven cinematic experiences. In 2015, she was nominated for an Oscar for film production for "The Dam Keeper," an animated short film. Previously, she worked at Zynga as Vice President of Games. She is now taking two loves - technology and film - and creating an exciting business from these passions.
狄弗拉(Espree Devora)
熱愛創業、更樂於助人創業,被Inc. 雜誌列名為2017年女性科技人前30名。大學時期成立網路公司,之後擔任The Girl who Gets it Done節目製作人、得獎Tech Podcast主持人,作品在社群媒體和CBS電視台、Disney頻道播出。創辦WeAreLATech.fm透過Podcasts將南加科技初創公司緊密結合,推動「南加矽谷」Silicon Beach。尤其關注女性科技人的動向,成立WomeninTech.fm 透過Podcasts報導女性科技人的成長故事,讓聽眾產生「如果她能,我也能」If she can do it, so can I 的勵志效果。
"The Girl who Gets it Done" Producer / Host of Award Winning Tech Podcasts; WeAreLATech.fm, uniting LA Startups aka Silicon Beach & WomeninTech.fm celebrating women in tech globally. She has been called the "girl who gets it done" and has carved out quite a place in technology with seminars on interactive content and social media for CBS, Disney, and more. Starting her first online company while in college, she has never looked back and continued to get involved in creating and assisting startups. Among other ventures, Espree started WeAreLATech.fm, which is the first podcast directed at LA startups. Espree is listed by Inc Magazine as top 30 Women in Tech to follow in 2017.
熱愛創業、更樂於助人創業,被Inc. 雜誌列名為2017年女性科技人前30名。大學時期成立網路公司,之後擔任The Girl who Gets it Done節目製作人、得獎Tech Podcast主持人,作品在社群媒體和CBS電視台、Disney頻道播出。創辦WeAreLATech.fm透過Podcasts將南加科技初創公司緊密結合,推動「南加矽谷」Silicon Beach。尤其關注女性科技人的動向,成立WomeninTech.fm 透過Podcasts報導女性科技人的成長故事,讓聽眾產生「如果她能,我也能」If she can do it, so can I 的勵志效果。
"The Girl who Gets it Done" Producer / Host of Award Winning Tech Podcasts; WeAreLATech.fm, uniting LA Startups aka Silicon Beach & WomeninTech.fm celebrating women in tech globally. She has been called the "girl who gets it done" and has carved out quite a place in technology with seminars on interactive content and social media for CBS, Disney, and more. Starting her first online company while in college, she has never looked back and continued to get involved in creating and assisting startups. Among other ventures, Espree started WeAreLATech.fm, which is the first podcast directed at LA startups. Espree is listed by Inc Magazine as top 30 Women in Tech to follow in 2017.