mobile DEvelopment for establishing engineer
1. 適合已經通過AP-CS考試之高中生,或具備Java/C++編程能力者
2. 開發可以展現個人創意與科技力之行動軟體、準備申請頂尖大學電腦理工相關科系所需之
Mobile Portfolio
3. 學習 iPhone/iPad行動軟體設計程式語言如Objective C(進階級)、X-Code、蘋果手機遊戲設計
引擎 Gaming Engine, Mobile Wire Framing, Layout Skills, Interface Design...
Mobile Development for Establishing Engineer: College Track and Portfolio Prep
招生對象:9 年級以上(須有Java/C++/Objective C編程能力,或已通過AP-CS考試)
開課日期:6/3/13~8/23/13 (12 週,共72小時)
This class is designed for high school students who are working toward, or have accomplished satisfactory score in AP-Computer Science test, to take the learning in classroom to the next level. This course allows you to apply your Java or C++ skills in practical use, and expand your imagination to the most exciting field of software engineering nowadays: mobile development. You will be paired with a professional design artist, working with you to imagine and build your dream mobile app. In addition to learning Objective C, X-code, iPhone/iPad development, and gaming engine interfacing, you will also learn mobile wire framing, layout skill, and touch
interface design. By the end of this course, your app will be submitted to iTunes App Store available to every iOS user in the world. Your apps will become a very unique component of your portfolio for college application. If you have not taken AP-CS class, or do not have prior programming language experience, please consider taking the IOI Competition class first.