Journalism/Critical writing(明辨性寫作)
~ 寫出言之有物、切合時事、扣人心弦的好文章
Middle School through High School
透過本課程,學生將熟悉不同文體的寫作技巧,包括新聞寫作(Editorial Writing)、演講稿寫作(Speech Writing)、 學生論壇(Op-Eds)、SAT 寫作…等。 這是一個能幫助學生養成辯證型思考、形成個人意見並靈活運用在文章寫作的 實作課程(Hands-On)。 上課內容取材十分廣泛,有報章、雜誌、電影….等。學生將借鏡於歷史人物、社會時事、國家 大事,培養隨時隨地〝觀察--->思考--->判斷〞的習慣,並將所思所感形成文字,變成作品。學生創作將投稿當地報章雜誌、參加寫作競賽,並刊登在本校報紙 (Broadway Times),廣泛流傳。特邀資深記者、 著名影評人、英語教師 E. Rampell 親自指導。
Our Critical Writing course is a journalism-oriented hands-on class geared towards developing students’ reading, writing, public speaking and SAT abilities and aptitudes in a practical way. Students will learn by doing, writing reports on the school and community; film reviews; travel stories; editorials/op-eds, etc., to be published in the Broadway Times newspaper. Class will usually begin with pupils selecting and discussing what he/she believes is the most important and/or interesting story of the week, as well as reviewing that day’s L.A. Times newspaper (provided by the school) for top stories and to familiarize them with what is going on in the world they live in.
In addition to sharpening their writing skills the literary exercises also aim at preparing pupils for the essay writing portion of the SAT tests. The SATs have increased the amount of writing and essays in the exams, which often require students to take a position on a subject, defend their point of view and argue in favor of it and against opposing perspectives. In particular, editorial writing can help prepare students for SAT essay writing.
The first class will feature a screening of 2011’s Best Picture Academy Award winning The King’s Speech, a history-based film for mature audiences that shows the importance of public speaking and speechwriting in world events. Students will be assigned to write a movie review of it for homework which will be covered the following week.
During the course pupils will also read their editorials/op-eds aloud to sharpen their debating skills, which will be conducted in a safe environment where pupils agree to disagree and no personal attacks are allowed, as students stick to the issues at hand. This process will lead up to a public debate over issues involving the school, community, city, nation and the world that parents will be invited to attend.
The Critical Writing course is being taught by a professional writer, author and journalist, Ed Rampell, who has also taught at Broadway Education Center since 2010.