Journalism Workshop
專為4~12年級學生所設計,旨在資訊爆炸的21世紀,訓練學生的新聞力,包括觀察力、分析力、採訪力、表達力,以成為最具良知的資訊傳播者及最精明的傳媒閱聽人。特邀資深記者瑞培爾(Ed Rampell)指導,採主題式教學,結合電影欣賞(詳見本校”與大師有約”課程介紹)、寫影評、採訪、時事分析、新聞報導、新聞寫作、發表讀者投書(op-ed)、傳媒選擇….等等。暑期班上課時間為週五下午3:00~5:00(每週2小時)。
· Designed for 4th~12th graders
· This curriculum has been organically designed to interconnect written, read and spoken language arts with a sense of cultural and media literacy in 21st century America. Students will be assigned to read a book and then the film version based on that book will be screened in the next week’s Film Appreciation class. One of the benefits of this, especially for children for whom English is their second language and/or another language is spoken in the home, is that they will be able to connect the written word to what they see onscreen.
· In Journalism Class students will write about the films they view in class. In addition to learning how to write movie reviews, pupils will also learn other ways to express themselves through various journalistic techniques, including the interview, photojournalism, opinion pieces, etc. Students will also learn tools to help them be better consumers of news.
. It is not an exaggeration to say that in the 21st century the average young person will grow up to spend more than one sixth of his/her life, or four hours per day, in front of some sort of a screen: movie, TV, computer, etc. It is increasingly important for them to be discerning consumers of popular culture, news, information, and more in order to be able to fully function in society. Cultural and media literacy, along with the ability to express themselves through spoken and written language skills, is an important part of this process, and the goals of these interconnected classes.
· Designed for 4th~12th graders
· This curriculum has been organically designed to interconnect written, read and spoken language arts with a sense of cultural and media literacy in 21st century America. Students will be assigned to read a book and then the film version based on that book will be screened in the next week’s Film Appreciation class. One of the benefits of this, especially for children for whom English is their second language and/or another language is spoken in the home, is that they will be able to connect the written word to what they see onscreen.
· In Journalism Class students will write about the films they view in class. In addition to learning how to write movie reviews, pupils will also learn other ways to express themselves through various journalistic techniques, including the interview, photojournalism, opinion pieces, etc. Students will also learn tools to help them be better consumers of news.
. It is not an exaggeration to say that in the 21st century the average young person will grow up to spend more than one sixth of his/her life, or four hours per day, in front of some sort of a screen: movie, TV, computer, etc. It is increasingly important for them to be discerning consumers of popular culture, news, information, and more in order to be able to fully function in society. Cultural and media literacy, along with the ability to express themselves through spoken and written language skills, is an important part of this process, and the goals of these interconnected classes.