Java Gui Programming & coding competition Prep
using Python/C++ languages
專為 8 年級以上(含)初高中生所規劃之實力鞏固班,學生將學習Java語言的視窗程式Swing,設計圖形介面(Graphical User Interface)。視窗程式是程式和使用者的接口,也就是使用者介面(UI),維繫著使用者與程式之間的「良好印象」與「親密關係」。本課程旨在幫助初高中生輕鬆入門Java,為將來研讀大學電腦預科AP-Computer Science打好根基。此外,有志參與科技競賽的青少年,本課程亦將提供一個最棒的啟蒙訓練~由行動科技與人工智慧達人葉老師(Thomas Yeh)親自指導Python/C++程式語言、準備參加USACO科技競賽。葉老師擁有多項專利軟體發明 ,專精醫學影像辨識、語音助理...等領域的AI開發及應用。他在本校精心規劃一系列「前進高科技」課程,自2012年開課以來,透過第一手的高科技經驗傳授,已發掘出多名深具潛力的青少年科技菁英,並將他們成功送入頂尖大學就學(包括 Stanford、MIT、Harvey Mudd...等。)
圖形介面設計初體驗 & 科技競賽準備班
學習難易度:3 ~ 5 (5 最難,1 最易)
適合年級:8 年級以上(含),已具入門編程經驗(text-based coding), 英文打字速度須達每分鐘40字以上
Learn to create desktop and Internet GUI Java programs & prepare for your first coding competition using Python/C++ language
An intermediate- to advanced- level coding class designed for coders at 8th grade and up planning to pursue AP-Computer Science further in high school, exploring Engineering or Computer Science as college majors, or preparing for their first coding competition. For younger coders who are familiar with text-based coding such as Python, JavaScript...etc., this class serves as a great opportunity for their advancement as well.
At this 10-week program, students will learn to create simple Java applications using Swing, Java's built-in user interface toolkit. They will learn to write GUI (graphical user interface) applications in Java and understand the Java Swing framework. Swing is the principal GUI toolkit for Java programming language. It is part of the JFC (Java Foundation Classes), which is an API (Application Programming Interface) for providing the graphical user interface for Java program. This class provides an easier and visual approach to grasp the complexity of Java. Once finished this class, students will be ready to move on with greater confidence to study AP-Computer Science level Java programming techniques and concepts.
Students will also learn the critical computational thinking concepts and use them to solve questions from coding competitions. Students will be encouraged to participate in USACO (USA Computing Olympiad) competition using Python/C++ languages.
Prerequisites: Prior knowledge of text-based coding such as Python or JavaScript, and typing speed of 40+ words per minute
圖形介面設計初體驗 & 科技競賽準備班
學習難易度:3 ~ 5 (5 最難,1 最易)
適合年級:8 年級以上(含),已具入門編程經驗(text-based coding), 英文打字速度須達每分鐘40字以上
Learn to create desktop and Internet GUI Java programs & prepare for your first coding competition using Python/C++ language
An intermediate- to advanced- level coding class designed for coders at 8th grade and up planning to pursue AP-Computer Science further in high school, exploring Engineering or Computer Science as college majors, or preparing for their first coding competition. For younger coders who are familiar with text-based coding such as Python, JavaScript...etc., this class serves as a great opportunity for their advancement as well.
At this 10-week program, students will learn to create simple Java applications using Swing, Java's built-in user interface toolkit. They will learn to write GUI (graphical user interface) applications in Java and understand the Java Swing framework. Swing is the principal GUI toolkit for Java programming language. It is part of the JFC (Java Foundation Classes), which is an API (Application Programming Interface) for providing the graphical user interface for Java program. This class provides an easier and visual approach to grasp the complexity of Java. Once finished this class, students will be ready to move on with greater confidence to study AP-Computer Science level Java programming techniques and concepts.
Students will also learn the critical computational thinking concepts and use them to solve questions from coding competitions. Students will be encouraged to participate in USACO (USA Computing Olympiad) competition using Python/C++ languages.
Prerequisites: Prior knowledge of text-based coding such as Python or JavaScript, and typing speed of 40+ words per minute