Youth Leadership on Technology
iOS and Android Mobile Apps Development Using Unity (9th~college)
Unity is a popular system to create 2D or 3D virtual world for games and apps. This class enables students to put Object-Oriented Programming skills learned from C++, or Java into good use. Teacher will demonstrate the practical use of OOP theory from APCS Java or C++ in Unity environment and instruct students how to build fun mobile apps/games through programming Unity’s physics engine. As prerequisites, students are expected to possess basic Geometry, Physics knowledge and some programming background (any language). Teacher will use the world famous mobile game “Angry Birds” as an example, to review the principle of geometry, gravity, acceleration, momentum and trajectory, and give students intro to C#, the language of choice in Unity platform. The objective is to make learning coding, Math and Physics fun through developing two dimensional mobile games/apps, reinforce the Math/Physics theory learned from school, and gains the hottest skills of developing mobile apps in iOS and Android platform using Unity and C# programming language. (Student needs to provide own laptop computer, Mobile devices such as tablet, iPad, iPhone, iPod, or smart phone with view screen larger than 4.5”)
本課程將傳授最夯的行動軟體開發引擎 Unity和C#,指導學員設計可以展現自我創意及智慧結晶的應用程式(Apps)和遊戲程式(Games)。有物件導向(OOP)編程經驗及基礎幾何、物理概念的學員,透過本訓練將具備功力解剖轟動全世界的Angry Birds遊戲設計原理,並將之運用在自己的軟體設計中。有心就讀大學電腦相關科系的學生,具備Unity軟體設計實力將成為升學利器。Unity工程師也是當前行動軟體開發業者急於網羅的熱門人才,收入相當可觀。
上課時間:6/16/13~8/4/13(每週日)上午10:00 ~ 下午1:00 (共24小時)
特別說明:學生需自備手提電腦及行動裝置如Tablet, iPad, iPhone, iPod, 或螢幕4.5英吋以上的
Unity is a popular system to create 2D or 3D virtual world for games and apps. This class enables students to put Object-Oriented Programming skills learned from C++, or Java into good use. Teacher will demonstrate the practical use of OOP theory from APCS Java or C++ in Unity environment and instruct students how to build fun mobile apps/games through programming Unity’s physics engine. As prerequisites, students are expected to possess basic Geometry, Physics knowledge and some programming background (any language). Teacher will use the world famous mobile game “Angry Birds” as an example, to review the principle of geometry, gravity, acceleration, momentum and trajectory, and give students intro to C#, the language of choice in Unity platform. The objective is to make learning coding, Math and Physics fun through developing two dimensional mobile games/apps, reinforce the Math/Physics theory learned from school, and gains the hottest skills of developing mobile apps in iOS and Android platform using Unity and C# programming language. (Student needs to provide own laptop computer, Mobile devices such as tablet, iPad, iPhone, iPod, or smart phone with view screen larger than 4.5”)
本課程將傳授最夯的行動軟體開發引擎 Unity和C#,指導學員設計可以展現自我創意及智慧結晶的應用程式(Apps)和遊戲程式(Games)。有物件導向(OOP)編程經驗及基礎幾何、物理概念的學員,透過本訓練將具備功力解剖轟動全世界的Angry Birds遊戲設計原理,並將之運用在自己的軟體設計中。有心就讀大學電腦相關科系的學生,具備Unity軟體設計實力將成為升學利器。Unity工程師也是當前行動軟體開發業者急於網羅的熱門人才,收入相當可觀。
上課時間:6/16/13~8/4/13(每週日)上午10:00 ~ 下午1:00 (共24小時)
特別說明:學生需自備手提電腦及行動裝置如Tablet, iPad, iPhone, iPod, 或螢幕4.5英吋以上的