Youth Leadership on Technology
- iOi Competition Leadership Program (8th ~ 11th grade)
International Olympiad of Informatics(iOi) is the most prestigious middle- to high- school level competitive coding event in the world. Team USA has been doing very well in the recent competitions. We are recruiting the next generation software genius to help advancing our digital economy through learning of coding. It is very challenging, and requires years of practice in algorithm and math in order to do well in the completion. The class delivers to students the fundamental knowledge of C++, which is one of the required programming languages in the final stage of the iOi competition. Through this class, students will get the opportunity to establish solid foundation on math, logic and algorithm through constant practices, in class discussion and problem solving exercises. Learning C++ can also be very beneficial to prepare students in AP-Computer Science class and test. (Student needs to provide own laptop computer)
本課程將教授iOi科技競賽所要求使用的C++程式語言,用它來解決數學、科學和計算問題。iOi是一項針對初高中生所舉辦的電腦編程競賽(Computer Algorithm Competition),旨在發掘未來頂尖電腦科技人才,提高全球競爭力。這個號稱為「電腦界的NFL選秀大賽」自1989年推出以來,已經吸引來自美國、中國、蘇俄、日本、英國、法國、義大利…等超過50個國家、近萬名喜愛「玩電腦」的青少年熱情投入,並視之為科技教育界年度盛事。知名高科技龍頭企業如IBM, Lenovo, Amazon.com, Google…等在近年更是熱情參與,密切關注能夠從激烈競賽中脫穎而出的少年科技新秀,大方贊助大學升學獎學金。1999~2009年間,來自中國的選手奪得了31面金牌,居於全世界之冠。已經連續三年代表美國隊出賽的華裔選手Neal Wu於2010年奪金, 列名全球前25名電腦編程小高手,為他的高中生涯畫上完美休止符。總結美國隊參賽紀錄,華裔青少年近年以超過50%的比例代表美國隊出賽,不僅為國爭光,更為華人揚眉吐氣。說iOi是一項最適合華裔子弟的競賽項目,真是一點也不為過。喜愛「玩電腦、打電動」的初高中生,若能提早接受編程訓練,將興趣提升為「能力」,不僅有機會為個人爭取榮耀,還能為全球競爭力投入新血。