Fundamental C++ Programming, game programming
& Coding Competitions prep
(for 7th+ Grade)
Irvine Campus: 9/14/13~5/24/14 (Saturday), 5:00~7:00 PM (for 30 weeks)
Walnut Campus: 9/15/13~5/18/14 (Sunday), 11:00 AM ~1:00 PM (for 30 weeks)
(Students must bring own laptop computers)
This class has triple purposes: 1.) to prepare our students for the most prestigious, worldwide coding competitions; 2.) successful college Computer Science; and 3.) potential professional careers as Computer Software Technologists. The subjects cover Object-Oriented Design and Programming with the Universal Modeling Language (UML), the core C++ language, Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming with Qt, and common algorithms and data structures in Computer Science.
Project-based Learning (PBL) is our primary learning tool. Each student will choose 2~3 gaming projects as his/her focus for the entire year. The goal of the projects is to produce fully functional, high quality software which require team collaboration in a professional software development setting. Classes are organized in Software Development Teams of 2-3 students. Students will gain hands-on experience in software and user interface design, coding, testing, debugging and documentation.
In addition to projects, students will receive guidance on how to prepare for a well-known coding competitions offered to pre-college students: International Olympiad of Informatics (iOi), by using C++ programming language. Beginning in November, each student will participate in 6 (six) USACO qualification rounds held online over the weekend, offered monthly by USACO until April for USA Open round. The finalists will have the opportunity to represent team USA in 2014 iOi final competition hosted in Taipei, Taiwan.
本課程傳授基礎C++程式語言、電腦遊戲設計,並同時訓練學員參加科技競賽,有三個主要目標:一是累積國際型科技競賽(iOi)參賽能力,二是培養進入一流大學電腦科系之升學實力,三是養成軟體工程師級之設計功力。訓練內容涵蓋C++程式語言、物件導向程式設計(Object-Oriented Programming)、使用者介面設計(Graphical User Interface, GUI)、程式演算法(Common Algorithms)和資料結構(Data Structures) 深入剖析。所傳授之C++ 語言廣受學術界及高科技界使用,並深深影響許多程式語言的發展,其地位堪稱為電腦語言界之〝教父〞。本課程由資深電腦教師及高科技產業專家所規劃,學員無需具備任何電腦程式設計基礎,但若具備相關概念如Web/HTML, JavaScript, C, Java, Python, Ruby….等,將更容易進入狀況。
上課時間:爾灣校區 9/14/13~5/24/14 (週六)下午5:00~7:00 (共30週)
核桃校區 9/15/13~5/18/14 (週日)上午11:00~下午1:00 (共30週)
Walnut Campus: 9/15/13~5/18/14 (Sunday), 11:00 AM ~1:00 PM (for 30 weeks)
(Students must bring own laptop computers)
This class has triple purposes: 1.) to prepare our students for the most prestigious, worldwide coding competitions; 2.) successful college Computer Science; and 3.) potential professional careers as Computer Software Technologists. The subjects cover Object-Oriented Design and Programming with the Universal Modeling Language (UML), the core C++ language, Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming with Qt, and common algorithms and data structures in Computer Science.
Project-based Learning (PBL) is our primary learning tool. Each student will choose 2~3 gaming projects as his/her focus for the entire year. The goal of the projects is to produce fully functional, high quality software which require team collaboration in a professional software development setting. Classes are organized in Software Development Teams of 2-3 students. Students will gain hands-on experience in software and user interface design, coding, testing, debugging and documentation.
In addition to projects, students will receive guidance on how to prepare for a well-known coding competitions offered to pre-college students: International Olympiad of Informatics (iOi), by using C++ programming language. Beginning in November, each student will participate in 6 (six) USACO qualification rounds held online over the weekend, offered monthly by USACO until April for USA Open round. The finalists will have the opportunity to represent team USA in 2014 iOi final competition hosted in Taipei, Taiwan.
本課程傳授基礎C++程式語言、電腦遊戲設計,並同時訓練學員參加科技競賽,有三個主要目標:一是累積國際型科技競賽(iOi)參賽能力,二是培養進入一流大學電腦科系之升學實力,三是養成軟體工程師級之設計功力。訓練內容涵蓋C++程式語言、物件導向程式設計(Object-Oriented Programming)、使用者介面設計(Graphical User Interface, GUI)、程式演算法(Common Algorithms)和資料結構(Data Structures) 深入剖析。所傳授之C++ 語言廣受學術界及高科技界使用,並深深影響許多程式語言的發展,其地位堪稱為電腦語言界之〝教父〞。本課程由資深電腦教師及高科技產業專家所規劃,學員無需具備任何電腦程式設計基礎,但若具備相關概念如Web/HTML, JavaScript, C, Java, Python, Ruby….等,將更容易進入狀況。
上課時間:爾灣校區 9/14/13~5/24/14 (週六)下午5:00~7:00 (共30週)
核桃校區 9/15/13~5/18/14 (週日)上午11:00~下午1:00 (共30週)