English Writing Workshop
適合4~12年級學生,特聘得獎作家及專業英語教師史桂芬老師(Katie Scrivner)在英語的語法、寫作等方面提供全方位的指導,尤其側重在描述性(Descriptive)、敘事性(Narrative)、自傳式(Personal Statement/Essay)、反應性(Responsive)、說服性(Persuasive)等文體的寫作訓練。掌握這些寫作能力,學生的文字表達功力將勝人一籌,日後不論是升學、考試或就業都將無往不利。課後班上課時間為每週五下午3:30~5:30(每週2小時);暑期班上課時間為每週二、三上午10:30~12:00(每週1.5小時)。
· Designed for 4th~12th graders
· Instructed by Katie Scrivner, an award-winning professional writer.
· Lessons in the writing workshop will challenge the students to think independently and express themselves in an articulate way.
· Curriculum covers descriptive, narrative, personal, responsive, and persuasive modes.
· It is most important that students learn to form opinions and organize their thoughts in a way that constantly increases in sophistication.
· Students received training in this area will perform better in their academic, test preparing and career pursues. It is a lifelong benefit.
· During the semester, class will meet every Friday at 3:30~5:30 p.m., 2 hours per week.
· In the summer, class will meet at 10:30 a.m.~12:00 p.m., on Tuesday or Wednesday, 1 1/2 hours per week.
· Designed for 4th~12th graders
· Instructed by Katie Scrivner, an award-winning professional writer.
· Lessons in the writing workshop will challenge the students to think independently and express themselves in an articulate way.
· Curriculum covers descriptive, narrative, personal, responsive, and persuasive modes.
· It is most important that students learn to form opinions and organize their thoughts in a way that constantly increases in sophistication.
· Students received training in this area will perform better in their academic, test preparing and career pursues. It is a lifelong benefit.
· During the semester, class will meet every Friday at 3:30~5:30 p.m., 2 hours per week.
· In the summer, class will meet at 10:30 a.m.~12:00 p.m., on Tuesday or Wednesday, 1 1/2 hours per week.