作家、劇作家、新聞記者、資深影評人、英語教師,見聞廣博、資歷豐富。領航本校 "仲夏電影營"、"新聞營",帶領學生悠遊於精彩電影饗宴及新聞採訪報導之間。年輕學子將更貼切地掌握美國生活潮流、更深度地體驗美國主流文化,同時提升自己的鑑賞品味及時事敏感度。
瑞培爾老師(E. Rampell)簡介
瑞培爾老師出身於英語教育世家,其父親擔任紐約市公立學校的英語教師超過三分之一個世紀,對於孩子的英語及文字表達能力有極高的要求。耳濡目染之下,鍛鍊出瑞培爾老師對文字使用的精準度與縝密思考的習慣。大學畢業後更前往紐約知名的語文研究機構(The Language Lab in Manhattan)深造,取得ESL教學認證。
College),主修電影。他同時也是位多產的劇作家,其中”Still Standing” 一劇在2010年五月份於瑞士公演,頗獲好評;”The Waiters”一劇則榮獲2010年的洛杉磯劇本創作比賽首獎。
在他豐富的創作中,有兩本與電影史有關的作品“Made In Paradise, Hollywood’s Films of Hawaii and the South Seas” 以及 “Pearl Harbor in the Movies”曾經得到CBS、NPR、C-SPAN等傳媒的採訪報導。其2005年所著作出版的影評類書籍 “Progressive Hollywood” ,針對電影、劇場表演及歌劇進行深度及廣泛的評論,獲得多家報章及電子媒體引用。
瑞培爾老師於1999年舉家搬到洛杉磯地區,除了從事英語教學工作外,並持續擔任新聞採訪報導工作。所服務的媒體包括:L.A. Times, Variety, New Times L.A., L.A. Reader, L.A. Daily News, Los Angeles Journal….等等。
Ed Rampell was named after the legendary CBS broadcaster Edward R. Murrow, who was portrayed in the 2005 George Clooney movie “Good Night, and Good Luck.” Rampell’s father was a New York City public school English teacher for more than one third of a century. Rampell majored in Cinema at Manhattan’s Hunter College and also received an ESL certificate from Manhattan’s Language Lab. After graduating,
Rampell lived in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. There, he reported for: ABC News’ “20/20,” Reuters, AP, Radio Australia, Radio New Zealand, NewsWeek, etc.
Rampell also taught English, language arts, history and art at Tahiti, American
Samoa, Western Samoa, Guam and Hawaii, including lecturing on broadcast
journalism at Leeward Community College.
Rampell co-authored four books, including two film histories: “Made In Paradise, Hollywood’s Films of Hawaii and the South Seas” and “Pearl Harbor in the Movies.” Rampell was interviewed at Tahiti for the CBS-TV newsmagazine “48 Hours,” and National Public Radio’s “Savvy Traveler” interviewed Rampell about the Marquesas Islands. Rampell appears in the 2005 Australian-European documentary “Hula Girls, Imagining Paradise.” He has also appeared on other television and radio outlets, including C-SPAN’s “Book TV.”
In 1999 Rampell relocated to Los Angeles, where he has written for: L.A. Times, Variety, New Times L.A., L.A. Reader, L.A. Daily News, Los Angeles Journal, etc. He is the sole author of the 2005 movie book “Progressive Hollywood.” Rampell reviews films, theatre and opera for a variety of outlets.
Rampell has also taught English, reading, writing and study skills in the L.A. area.
瑞培爾老師(E. Rampell)簡介
瑞培爾老師出身於英語教育世家,其父親擔任紐約市公立學校的英語教師超過三分之一個世紀,對於孩子的英語及文字表達能力有極高的要求。耳濡目染之下,鍛鍊出瑞培爾老師對文字使用的精準度與縝密思考的習慣。大學畢業後更前往紐約知名的語文研究機構(The Language Lab in Manhattan)深造,取得ESL教學認證。
College),主修電影。他同時也是位多產的劇作家,其中”Still Standing” 一劇在2010年五月份於瑞士公演,頗獲好評;”The Waiters”一劇則榮獲2010年的洛杉磯劇本創作比賽首獎。
在他豐富的創作中,有兩本與電影史有關的作品“Made In Paradise, Hollywood’s Films of Hawaii and the South Seas” 以及 “Pearl Harbor in the Movies”曾經得到CBS、NPR、C-SPAN等傳媒的採訪報導。其2005年所著作出版的影評類書籍 “Progressive Hollywood” ,針對電影、劇場表演及歌劇進行深度及廣泛的評論,獲得多家報章及電子媒體引用。
瑞培爾老師於1999年舉家搬到洛杉磯地區,除了從事英語教學工作外,並持續擔任新聞採訪報導工作。所服務的媒體包括:L.A. Times, Variety, New Times L.A., L.A. Reader, L.A. Daily News, Los Angeles Journal….等等。
Ed Rampell was named after the legendary CBS broadcaster Edward R. Murrow, who was portrayed in the 2005 George Clooney movie “Good Night, and Good Luck.” Rampell’s father was a New York City public school English teacher for more than one third of a century. Rampell majored in Cinema at Manhattan’s Hunter College and also received an ESL certificate from Manhattan’s Language Lab. After graduating,
Rampell lived in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. There, he reported for: ABC News’ “20/20,” Reuters, AP, Radio Australia, Radio New Zealand, NewsWeek, etc.
Rampell also taught English, language arts, history and art at Tahiti, American
Samoa, Western Samoa, Guam and Hawaii, including lecturing on broadcast
journalism at Leeward Community College.
Rampell co-authored four books, including two film histories: “Made In Paradise, Hollywood’s Films of Hawaii and the South Seas” and “Pearl Harbor in the Movies.” Rampell was interviewed at Tahiti for the CBS-TV newsmagazine “48 Hours,” and National Public Radio’s “Savvy Traveler” interviewed Rampell about the Marquesas Islands. Rampell appears in the 2005 Australian-European documentary “Hula Girls, Imagining Paradise.” He has also appeared on other television and radio outlets, including C-SPAN’s “Book TV.”
In 1999 Rampell relocated to Los Angeles, where he has written for: L.A. Times, Variety, New Times L.A., L.A. Reader, L.A. Daily News, Los Angeles Journal, etc. He is the sole author of the 2005 movie book “Progressive Hollywood.” Rampell reviews films, theatre and opera for a variety of outlets.
Rampell has also taught English, reading, writing and study skills in the L.A. area.