Computer Science Essentials:
- mobile app development with app inventor
- Adventures in python programming
行動軟體App開發+人工智能熱門語言Python 實力養成二合一班
專為 7 年級以上(含)初高中生所規劃之探索高科技~實力養成班,學習行動軟體開發工具App Inventor以及人工智能界的熱門語言Python。二合一課程設計帶領學生從初具基礎到頗富實力,領略電腦科學的無窮可能與魅力。
An introduction to computer programming class designed for coders with prior experience in block-based coding such as MIT Scratch. Students will learn to use an open development tool, App Inventor, to program on Android devices. They will learn to design and build mobile apps -- apps that are aware of their location, send and receive text messages, and give advice and directions…etc. Then they will move on to text-based coding using Python, a programming language widely adapted in academic and artificial intelligence (A.I.) industrial environment. Students will learn to code with Python as they complete engaging lessons, solve challenging puzzles, and build their own games. This 2-in-1 program is designed to teach our young coders problem-solving and algorithmic thinking through a series of unique, easy to follow, and dynamically ordered curriculum to enhance concepts acquisition, retention and application.
Prerequisites: Mastery of Pre-Algebra, prior experience with Scratch coding is recommended (or passing our placement test), knowledge of X-Y coordinates, and typing speed of 40-word per minute. Students are required to bring own laptop computers and Android mobile phones to the class. (Loaners available upon request, some deposit may apply)
學習難易度:2~3 (5 最難,1 最易)
適合年級:7 年級以上(含) ; 需具備代數基礎,上課須自備手提電腦及安卓手機(若向本校租賃將酌收押金)
An introduction to computer programming class designed for coders with prior experience in block-based coding such as MIT Scratch. Students will learn to use an open development tool, App Inventor, to program on Android devices. They will learn to design and build mobile apps -- apps that are aware of their location, send and receive text messages, and give advice and directions…etc. Then they will move on to text-based coding using Python, a programming language widely adapted in academic and artificial intelligence (A.I.) industrial environment. Students will learn to code with Python as they complete engaging lessons, solve challenging puzzles, and build their own games. This 2-in-1 program is designed to teach our young coders problem-solving and algorithmic thinking through a series of unique, easy to follow, and dynamically ordered curriculum to enhance concepts acquisition, retention and application.
Prerequisites: Mastery of Pre-Algebra, prior experience with Scratch coding is recommended (or passing our placement test), knowledge of X-Y coordinates, and typing speed of 40-word per minute. Students are required to bring own laptop computers and Android mobile phones to the class. (Loaners available upon request, some deposit may apply)
學習難易度:2~3 (5 最難,1 最易)
適合年級:7 年級以上(含) ; 需具備代數基礎,上課須自備手提電腦及安卓手機(若向本校租賃將酌收押金)