Cloud Computing Primer and Hands-On for Youth
1. 學習最尖端的電腦網路科技,培養解決科技問題的能力
2. 掌握Linux及Windows伺服器運作精髓,提高網路駕馭實力
3. 破解「駭客」攻擊招術,養成「反駭客」實力
4. 解剖全球知名網路通路商亞馬遜(Amazon.com)的雲端資訊管理系統,一窺其賺錢的堂奧
5. 12歲以上即可開始接受訓練,八週內學會建立個人專屬的雲端網路系統
Cloud Computing Primer and Hands-On for Youth
招生對象:6 年級以上
開課日期:3/31/13~5/26/13 (8週)
Started with inter-networking technology theory, added advanced Linux/Windows server secrets,
completed with Amazon Cloud Administration, this Cloud Computing Hands-On series class turns students into modern day Techno Wizard.
Our civilization is built on top of a complicated web of servers, gateways, routers, base stations, wired and wireless infrastructure. These components work harmoniously to ensure our
civilization is moving forward in the right direction. On the other side is dark cloud full with virus, trojan, spyware and malware. It is crucial that some of us possess the skills to keep our society and business productive and safe.
Going beyond just technician training to fix and support PC, this course (and practice) is designed to create visionary technology leaders versatile and understand the fabric of our modern life. It gives students all the important skills in navigating technical world that is beyond PC, and is invisible to common eyes.