Cloud and Network Computing
Cloud and Network Computing (9th grade ~ college)
This class will teach the basic principles of inter-networking and allow students to practice setting up server instances in the Cloud. Students will learn how the Internet was created, how to protect themselves from common attack, how to trouble-shoot, and how to recover from common networking problems. Students will understand the basic of TCP/IP protocol, network sniffer, network security in cloud environment, manage and write code on Amazon EC2 instance, set up video conferencing and learn API to handle video communications and online collaborations, and use popular web framework to handle common tasks such as database query and write simple but useful memcache utility. Students will get the opportunity to handle cluster of Raspberry Pi boxes and get into the core of using Unix commands to navigate the fascinated Internet underneath the skin of browser. (Student needs to provide own laptop computer)
本課程將傳授最尖端的電腦網路科技,培養自己動手解決科技問題的能力。學員將在四週內學會掌握Linux及Windows伺服器運作精髓、提高網路駕馭實力;學習破解「駭客」攻擊招數、養成「反駭客」實力;學習使用亞馬遜雲端網路系統(AWS)、建立個人專屬的資訊管理系統;學習架設視訊會議系統、掌握遠距通訊原理;使用最常見的網路架構,安全處理網上資訊查詢與交流。此外,學員將有機會把玩全世界最迷你卻功能齊全的小電腦Raspberry Pi,並利用它來管理無限大的Internet網路世界。
上課時間:第一期 6/10/13~7/3/13 (每週一三)下午3:30~5:30
第二期 7/8/13~7/31/13 (每週一三)下午3:30~5:30
This class will teach the basic principles of inter-networking and allow students to practice setting up server instances in the Cloud. Students will learn how the Internet was created, how to protect themselves from common attack, how to trouble-shoot, and how to recover from common networking problems. Students will understand the basic of TCP/IP protocol, network sniffer, network security in cloud environment, manage and write code on Amazon EC2 instance, set up video conferencing and learn API to handle video communications and online collaborations, and use popular web framework to handle common tasks such as database query and write simple but useful memcache utility. Students will get the opportunity to handle cluster of Raspberry Pi boxes and get into the core of using Unix commands to navigate the fascinated Internet underneath the skin of browser. (Student needs to provide own laptop computer)
本課程將傳授最尖端的電腦網路科技,培養自己動手解決科技問題的能力。學員將在四週內學會掌握Linux及Windows伺服器運作精髓、提高網路駕馭實力;學習破解「駭客」攻擊招數、養成「反駭客」實力;學習使用亞馬遜雲端網路系統(AWS)、建立個人專屬的資訊管理系統;學習架設視訊會議系統、掌握遠距通訊原理;使用最常見的網路架構,安全處理網上資訊查詢與交流。此外,學員將有機會把玩全世界最迷你卻功能齊全的小電腦Raspberry Pi,並利用它來管理無限大的Internet網路世界。
上課時間:第一期 6/10/13~7/3/13 (每週一三)下午3:30~5:30
第二期 7/8/13~7/31/13 (每週一三)下午3:30~5:30