Pre-SAT/Pre-AP/AP Foundations/Masterful Writing I
Middle School through High School
Pre-SAT/Pre-AP/AP Foundations I
Pre-SAT/Pre-AP/AP Foundations II
Masterful Writing I (SAT Foundations)
The SAT test is one of the defining exams for those who wish to attend college in the United States. The higher the score, the greater the likelihood your child will attend a top university, earn scholarships, win grants, and ultimately succeed through college and into graduate school. The tutoring academy stresses the specific elements that create the strongest scores on the SAT Exam.
There are a number of schools and a number of strategies presently offered. We feel our tutoring center is different. Our staff has been trained directly through the company which scores the national and international SAT exams. There are only a select number of on-line scorers throughout the United States. These scorers must first go through training, score sixty sample papers, and finally test for accuracy on three separate sets of papers. Most, no matter how impressive a degree, or how bright, do not pass. We have a scorer (and reconciler) who has scored so accurately and consistently, that the scoring company has re-hired her for the past five years. Our instructor has internalized the rubric (established scoring parameters). Training for this exam can begin as early as the 4th grade.
Experience and the ability to translate knowledge to a young scholar create success. This Academy offers multi-level classes which consistently monitor a child’s progress. The classes are challenging, yet often fun. For example, our SAT and AP level vocabulary is accessed through cartoons and link words. The process seems simple, but it is based on research from Stanford University and Yale University. Through this game technique, students are 73% more likely to remember words permanently (rather than for a few days). Vocabulary is the cornerstone of success in both the SAT and Advanced Placement tests. However, there is much more involved in your child’s scholastic maturation.
The classes, no matter the level are divided as follows:
Vocabulary acquisition: 20%
Grammar: 20%
Critical Reading: 20%
Essay: 40% (twenty-five minute for SAT; forty minute for AP)
The best approach, depending on the child, is to keep training between one to two years above level. A student in 6th grade will be tested and then trained in upper 7th or 8th grade assessments. Rigor is a must, but frequently the tasks are enjoyable. If a child, no matter how young, is ready for work beyond what is anticipated (for example, a 6th grader ready for 10th grade), we will have the appropriate materials to keep the student busy!
This academy approaches essays through timed writing. We are not only preparing the student for the SAT test. We are challenging each young scholar to think critically and independently, fundamental strengths for all college-bound students.
What we insure is the unparalleled quality and confirmed advanced training in our tutors. The materials we use are the most recently developed. What we have, which exceeds beyond the resources of many other academies, is a staff trained specifically to each test. The academy selects educators who have done more than take a seminar or “training course.” Our academics have multiple years of instruction through actual scoring of the exams.
The difference is in the preparedness. We are prepared for your child. Please join an academy that exemplifies excellence and true value.