mobile app development with app inventor

專為 8 年級以上(含)初高中生所規劃之實力養成班,學習當前最流行的安卓行動軟體開發工具App Inventor。學生將在課程中完成數個行動App,有遊戲類、生活工具類、教育學習類....等等。「一技在手」之餘,若還能結合個人的無窮創意,除了可以降低未來學習進階程式語言的門檻、在激烈的大學申請中脫穎而出、甚至有機會搭上高薪就業或創業的直通車!本課程適合初學者,需邏輯力強、數學程度佳。
Yes, you can create your own apps for Android devices - in as short as 24 hours. This class will introduce our campers to App Inventor 2, a powerful visual tool that makes building apps an easier job. Campers will learn the basics for building more than a dozen fun projects, including a text answering machine app, a quiz app, and an app for finding your parked car! In addition to the basics, campers will also learn the fundamentals of computer science. Designed for beginner in upper middle or high school, this program is ideal for campers who are comfortable with the basics of programming logic and computational thinking. Although it does not involve too much of so-called “hard-coding”, it will provide and prepare students with solid mental foundation to future text-based coding endeavor.
Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra (Students must bring own laptop computers & Android tablets)
學習難易度:2~3 (5 最難,1 最易)
適合年級:8 年級以上(含) ; 需具備代數基礎,上課須自備手提電腦及安卓平板電腦
Yes, you can create your own apps for Android devices - in as short as 24 hours. This class will introduce our campers to App Inventor 2, a powerful visual tool that makes building apps an easier job. Campers will learn the basics for building more than a dozen fun projects, including a text answering machine app, a quiz app, and an app for finding your parked car! In addition to the basics, campers will also learn the fundamentals of computer science. Designed for beginner in upper middle or high school, this program is ideal for campers who are comfortable with the basics of programming logic and computational thinking. Although it does not involve too much of so-called “hard-coding”, it will provide and prepare students with solid mental foundation to future text-based coding endeavor.
Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra (Students must bring own laptop computers & Android tablets)
學習難易度:2~3 (5 最難,1 最易)
適合年級:8 年級以上(含) ; 需具備代數基礎,上課須自備手提電腦及安卓平板電腦