A.I. Competition prep
挑戰高科技:A.I. 科技競賽準備班
Designed for ascending 9th ~ 12th graders with prior experience in Python programming and fundamental data science knowledge such as NumPy, Pandas, Pyplotlib, simple linear algebra and statistics concepts.
One of the purposes of learning Python is to explore the world of A.I. and Data Science. In the academy landscape, there are quite a few opportunities to compete in A.I. in order to gain industrial aspect, and to be noticed and recognized. We design this 8-week program to help students who have completed our "A.I. & Machine Learning" class to advance their skills by studying real world A.I. problems announced by industry leaders and proposal requested by companies looking to solve the enterprise data analytic problems. We will approach Kaggle Competition or AWS DeepRacer Competition (based on individual interest of students), to submit our proposed solution, analyze competitors' approach, perform data clean up and preparation over the downloaded datasets, study different machine learning models, build accelerated training servers, and participate in the competition events (some are online competitions).
Kaggle Competition: It is the most renowned A.I. event sponsored by Google. Many of its participants have become the cornerstones of modern A.I. revolution. (Click here to visit competition website)
AWS DeepRacer Competition: It is the world’s first global autonomous racing league, open to anyone. Students can get hands on with machine learning through a cloud based 3D racing simulator, fully autonomous 1/18th scale race car driven by reinforcement learning, and global racing league. They will race for prizes, glory, and a chance to advance to the AWS DeepRacer Championship at re:Invent 2020. AWS DeepRacer is an autonomous 1/18th scale race car designed to test RL models by racing on a physical track. Using cameras to view the track and a reinforcement model to control throttle and steering, the car shows how a model trained in a simulated environment can be transferred to the real-world. (Click here to visit competition website)
Prerequisites: A.I. & Machine Learning (or equivalent background)
挑戰高科技系列:A.I. 科技競賽準備班
For skills advancement and competition prep
學習難度:5 (5 最難,1 最易)
For advanced learners with prior experience in A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning
適合年級:9 ~12 年級
For ascending 9th ~ 12th graders
上課日期:6/13/20 ~ 8/8/20 (Saturday)
上課時間:週六下午1:00 ~ 4:00
總共課時:24 hrs. class length
附註說明:學生需具備 A.I. & Machine Learning 基礎。 請自備手提電腦來上課
For learners with solid knowledge in A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Please bring own laptop computer to the class.
One of the purposes of learning Python is to explore the world of A.I. and Data Science. In the academy landscape, there are quite a few opportunities to compete in A.I. in order to gain industrial aspect, and to be noticed and recognized. We design this 8-week program to help students who have completed our "A.I. & Machine Learning" class to advance their skills by studying real world A.I. problems announced by industry leaders and proposal requested by companies looking to solve the enterprise data analytic problems. We will approach Kaggle Competition or AWS DeepRacer Competition (based on individual interest of students), to submit our proposed solution, analyze competitors' approach, perform data clean up and preparation over the downloaded datasets, study different machine learning models, build accelerated training servers, and participate in the competition events (some are online competitions).
Kaggle Competition: It is the most renowned A.I. event sponsored by Google. Many of its participants have become the cornerstones of modern A.I. revolution. (Click here to visit competition website)
AWS DeepRacer Competition: It is the world’s first global autonomous racing league, open to anyone. Students can get hands on with machine learning through a cloud based 3D racing simulator, fully autonomous 1/18th scale race car driven by reinforcement learning, and global racing league. They will race for prizes, glory, and a chance to advance to the AWS DeepRacer Championship at re:Invent 2020. AWS DeepRacer is an autonomous 1/18th scale race car designed to test RL models by racing on a physical track. Using cameras to view the track and a reinforcement model to control throttle and steering, the car shows how a model trained in a simulated environment can be transferred to the real-world. (Click here to visit competition website)
Prerequisites: A.I. & Machine Learning (or equivalent background)
挑戰高科技系列:A.I. 科技競賽準備班
For skills advancement and competition prep
學習難度:5 (5 最難,1 最易)
For advanced learners with prior experience in A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning
適合年級:9 ~12 年級
For ascending 9th ~ 12th graders
上課日期:6/13/20 ~ 8/8/20 (Saturday)
上課時間:週六下午1:00 ~ 4:00
總共課時:24 hrs. class length
附註說明:學生需具備 A.I. & Machine Learning 基礎。 請自備手提電腦來上課
For learners with solid knowledge in A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Please bring own laptop computer to the class.